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Серия добавлена 06.11.2020
В 7 серии 1 сезона сериала "Госпожа Кагуя: В любви как на войне"

Kashiwagi’s boyfriend returns, seeking more romantic advice from Shirogane, while Kaguya yet again attempts to eavesdrop on the two. Shirogane’s advice the first time around successfully brought this couple together, but the boyfriend tells Shirogane that he hasn’t been able to hold hands with Kashiwagi after a month of dating. Kaguya is dumbfounded when she hears him ask, “How can I hold hands with her?” but Shirogane is relieved by this simple question that seems manageable even for someone with no experience in romantic relationships. However, Shirogane’s advice seems to once again take an unexpected turn and…


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