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Серия добавлена 06.11.2020
В 6 серии 1 сезона сериала "Госпожа Кагуя: В любви как на войне"

Yu Ishigami is the fourth member of the Student Council. Despite being a first-year, he was scouted by Shirogane for his expertise and was appointed as treasurer. Because he is introverted, Ishigami often goes unnoticed, but he is also the most indispensable member of the council. Suddenly one day, Ishigami comes to Shirogane to request his resignation. No matter how desperately Shirogane tries to persuade him to stay, he seems to have firmly made up his mind. Apparently, the situation is beyond Ishigami’s control, as he begins to tear up and explains that “he’s likely to get killed…”


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