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Серия добавлена 26.11.2020
В 5 серии 1 сезона сериала "Позвони моему агенту"

Ego Ajans is awash with the news of Kıraç's separation. Feris, Çınar and Peride feel like they are stabbed in the back. When it is understood that Kıraç will come and go to the office for a while until he clears up his work, his colleagues decide to make his life narrow. Meanwhile, Kıraç's player, Şükran Ovalı, wants to return to the sector she took a break after her baby was born. However, it will not be as easy as it seems to take new steps for both taking care of her baby and her career. Baris and Beren are offered a movie that they can play together. Beren is extremely excited about this project. Barış wants to get the opinion of Dicle. Çınar sets Jülide a small role in a drama. Unfortunately, a bad surprise awaits Jülide, who is flying into the air. Kıraç is furious when he learns that it is Dicle who told his secret to the agency. Kıraç and Dicle face off again.


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