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Серия добавлена 14.11.2020
В 5 серии 1 сезона сериала "Волейбол!!"

Kageyama and Hinata begin to get in sync. As Kageyama's sets start hitting Hinata's hands every time, Tsukishima is forced to change his tactics at blocking. This frees Ryuunosuke up on the other side, and the team of Kageyama, Hinata, and Ryuunosuke is able to rally and win the 3-on-3 first year match. With the win Kageyama and Hinata are acepted as official team members. Just then advisor Ittetsu Takeda arrives and says he has been able to arrange apractice match with Aoba Johsai. However there is one condition. Tobio Kageyama must act as the setter for the entire match.

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  1. 1 мая 2022 22:45
    Играю в волейбол, все так как тут показано, у меня в зале тоже японцы полторашки каждый день сетку перепрыгивают