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Серия добавлена 14.11.2020
В 10 серии 1 сезона сериала "Волейбол!!"

The practice match between Karasuno and the Neighborhood Association continues with Karasuno down 1-0. Ukai manages to see firsthand how Hinata can be the ultimate decoy and learns how quickly Kageyama and Hinata have grown together as a duo. He also witnesses firsthand how Hinata's speed is difficult to keep up with. However an off-speed serve allows the Neighborhood Association to get four straight aces and take a 24-18 lead. On the final point Ryuunosuke finally gets the chance to spike, but Yu manages to save the spike, and Azumane ends the game with a killer spike. Now Ukai must decide whom the regular starters will be. One thing is for certain, the duo of Kageyama and Hinata seem to have their fates tied together. Will they be in the starting lineup, or will they come off the bench. Ukai also decides practice for the first and second years will focus mainly on receiving serves to address the teams biggest weakness.


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