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Серия добавлена 07.11.2020
В 17 серии 2 сезона сериала "Юная Лига Справедливости"

May 27: Black Beetle laments the setbacks that the Reach have suffered, such as the loss of most of their fleet, while on another part of the War World, Arsenal continues to flee from the Reach's forces.

May 29: Lex Luthor encourages the runaways to rescue the Team from the Reach, and provides them with a Father Box which transports them to the War World. The Reach scientist informs the ambassador of this new development, and he becomes further disgruntled when he appears on G. Gordon Godfrey's show only to be taken to task about his blatant lie concerning the Reach only having the one ship.

May 30: Nightwing and Miss Martian revisit the site of the Team's abduction, where they are met by Sphere. The Father Box directs the runaways to the captive Team members, with Arsenal on their tail as well after catching sight of them. When Black Beetle attacks the runaways, Roy intervenes and manages to free Mongul in the ensuing battle. As Mongul takes on Black Beetle, all of the heroes meet up and make their escape, but not before Deathstroke uses the confusion to snatch the key to the War World. Bumblebee alerts Nightwing to Arsenal's reckless behavior in the confrontation with Blue Beetle, resulting in Nightwing kicking Roy off the Team. The runaways offer him an olive branch and they return to their hideout, where Arsenal learns that they work for Lex Luthor and manages to turn them against him upon Luthor admitting being a party to the theft of the War World key. The four youths decide to end their deal with Luthor and depart with Arsenal.


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