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Серия добавлена 19.11.2020
В 4 серии 2 сезона сериала "Беверли-Хиллз 90210: Новое поколение"

Dixon and Sasha continue their whirlwind romance by driving to Napa for the weekend, but on the return trip a flat tire leads to a trunk of porn and a bunch of lies. Annie's confident attitude quickly disappears when she realizes that Jasper, the nephew of the man she hit on prom night, is a student at West Beverly. Navid continues to run the Blaze News and assigns Silver and Gia to interview Jasper for a news piece about his uncle. Things get steamy when Adrianna confides in Teddy, resulting in Adrianna and Navid finally spending the night together. Liam finally finds a way to get revenge on Jen and reveal the truth to Naomi about their night together at prom.


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