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Серия добавлена 28.10.2020
В 3 серии 2 сезона сериала "Сумеречные охотники"

Already cut off from the Institute and his friends, Jace finds his situation worsen when he becomes a target for the New York wolf pack who believe Jace to be a killer. At the same time, Aldertree and the Shadowhunters continue their own hunt for Jace, making him the most wanted man in New York — can his friends get to him before everyone else? Meanwhile, Simon is on a search of his own as Raphael puts pressure on him to find Camille.

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  1. 30 июня 2021 13:56
    У меня только один вопрос: почему нельзя было снимать ТАК с самого начала?!