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Серия добавлена 26.10.2020
В 106 серии 1 сезона сериала "Боруто: Новое поколение Наруто"

Mirai is the cousin of jounin Konohamaru Sarutobi. She will be guarding the Rokudaime Sixth Hokage, Kakashi, and his friend and rival, Might Gai, as they head to the hot springs. Just like her mother, Kurenai, and her deceased father, Asuma, she became a ninja. In the midst of such a peaceful world, Mirai doesn’t think there will be many occasions to play an active role. However, the Nanadaime, Seventh Hokage, Naruto, especially appointed her for this mission. The ones whom she is guarding are considered to be ‘Heroes’ of the village. She guessed that it was an important mission that merely feigning as a leisurely trip for it’s outward appearance. During this mission, Mirai is going to try and put forth her best efforts to succeed as a ‘Ninja’.


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