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Серия добавлена 26.10.2020
В 14 серии 6 сезона сериала "Дневники вампира"

It’s Jeremy’s last day in Mystic Falls and Elena puts on a brave face as they reminisce about their past. Stefan and Caroline prepare Caroline’s family cabin for her mother to live out her final days. While packing up her office, Sheriff Forbes turns to Damon for help solving one of her remaining open cases involving Elena’s parents. A violent confrontation with Enzo leaves Jeremy wondering whether he should leave or not, and Matt finds his own life on the line after Enzo lures him and Sarah Salvatore into his dangerous plan.

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  1. 6 сентября 2024 05:17
    пиздец как больно за лиз и кэролайн.. я опять плачу (ахуеть)
  2. 28 апреля 2024 12:12